What Happened To Amy Lynn Bradley / Peculiar Occurrences

Amy Lynn Bradley

A Woman goes on a cruse with her family Never to be seen again.

What could have happened to 23 year old Amy Lynn Bradley?

Let's discuss on this weeks Peculiar Occurrences.

Amy Lynn Bradley from Virginia was born May 12th 1976. A avid Basketball player who had just graduated collage with a physical education major. She had just recently bought a puppy and was excited about her future and a new job she would soon be starting.

Before Amy's new life began he family decided to take a vacation together a Cruse through the Caribbean.  They traveled on Royal Caribbean Cruise Line's ship, Rhapsody of the Seas,

Three of the waiters on the ship were quite friendly with Amy, almost immediately. While the ship was docked in Aruba, one of them even asked Amy's father about her whereabouts by name. When asked why he was looking for her, he told Mr. Bradley that "they," presumably members of the wait staff, wanted to take her to Carlos and Charlie's, the same bar that Natalee Holloway disappeared from in 2005.

Amy subsequently told her father that the waiters "gave her the creeps," and she didn't want anything to do with them.

On March 23, 1998, Amy's parents Ron and Iva Bradley, and her brother Brad were enjoying their  third day on the Royal Caribbean cruise ship . The family attended a dinner party on the upper deck of the ship.  Amy and Brad both went down to a Disco and danced until the early morning hours, and Amy was seen dancing with a member of the ships band  Blue  Orchid his name was Alister Douglas, but known as Yellow .  They were even videotaped repeatedly by a cameraman producing a promotional piece for the cruise line.  However, both Amy and her brother Brad entered their stateroom between 3:30 and 4 AM.

Amy's father Ron Bradley would recall seeing his daughter in a chair on the room's balcony when he briefly woke up at approximately 5 AM. When he woke up again around 6AM, Amy was gone, the only missing items were her cigarettes and a lighter. She clearly intended to leave briefly, as she did not even bring shoes, identification, or any other important items with her.  I would also like to note that she had brought 9 pairs of shoes on this trip and did not take a single pair.

After Amy left her room, she was seen near the disco with Douglas on ship security footage at approximately 6 AM. A witness would subsequently claim to have seen Douglas hand Bradley a dark drink, possibly coffee. Other witnesses saw Douglas leaving the area by himself, but Amy was never seen again. 

After the Bradleys determined Amy was missing they asked the ship's staff to back the ship away from the dock and prevent any guests from leaving. They also requested an announcement be made concerning Amy's disappearance. There was an announcement made to request for Amy to report to the purser's desk, but no other special effort was undertaken to find her.

By the time a search of the ship began at 8 AM, many of the ship's guests and staff already left the vessel for the day. The family was told that no announcement would be made, and no photographs would be posted concerning Amy's disappearance, as this would be too disturbing to other passengers. The Bradleys left the ship in Curacao, but flew to St. Maarten and  reboarded the cruse ship when they were told by the FBI the search for Amy had only included bathrooms and common areas, and ignored staterooms and employee living quarters.

The FBI eventually boarded the ship, but their investigation went nowhere and Royal Caribbean went on to claim Amy probably was intoxicated and fell overboard, despite having no evidence such an incident occurred. The waters in the area was searched and no sign of Amy emerged.

The man Amy had spent the evening with "Yellow" Douglas was  eventually cleared by police  after a polygraph, before the FBI got a hold of the disco video.

The FBI conducted a thorough investigation of Amy Bradley, her hometown friends, co-workers, neighbors, The rest of her family also successfully underwent polygraph examinations, and even her college athletic coaches were interviewed and exonerated. 

FBI Found that Amy sent numerous postcards on the first days of the voyage, had just adopted a dog, recently graduated from college, and was supposed to start a new job. In other words, hardly the behaviors or outlook of someone who was suicidal or intent on disappearing. All of the background checks and investigations pointed to an involuntary disappearance.

Since her disappearance in 1998, there have been several alleged sightings of Amy Lynn Bradley. The most disturbing was a 2005 email sent to the Bradley family website, which contained two photographs of a female. These photographs were observed by a member of an organization that attempts to track potential victims on sites that feature prostitutes.

The photos depict a scantily clad female who closely resembles Amy, but who also appears to be both distraught and despondent. One of these photos was seen publicly when the Bradley family appeared on the Dr. Phil show in November of 2005.

Another disturbing sighting occurred in January of 1999, when a Navy Petty Officer claimed to have encountered Amy in a hotel brothel in Curacao. Recognizing him as an American, Amy soldier she supposedly told the individual her name, said that she was being held against her will, and asked for help.

Unfortunately, the officer kept the information to himself, fearing the repercussions that would come with solicitation of a prostitute. He only contacted the Bradleys through their website, after his retirement. The brothel in question burned down under suspicious circumstances before the officer came forward.

In August of 1998, a Canadian encountered two men and a woman walking on the beach near Port of Maria, Curacao. When he spoke in a loud voice in English to a friend who was a few feet away, the woman suddenly turned around and began to walk in his direction. Just as the woman was about to speak with him, one of the the two men distinctly signaled to her to walk away. Then they grabbed her and shuffled her into a small cafe on the way she kept trying to point out her tatoos to the Canadian man and while in the coffee shop continued to stare at the canadian man . He had no idea who Amy was, until he eventually saw her profiled on the television show Unsolved Mysteries. When he contacted the Bradleys, he was able to describe Amy's distinctive tattoos, as he observed her from only a few feet away. He claims to be "100%" certain that the woman he saw was Amy Bradley. 

In probably what was one of the more messed up parts of the supposed sightings of the Amy Lynn Bradley incident, in the fall of 1999 an individual named Frank Jones contacted the Bradleys and claimed that Colombian gangsters were holding Amy Lynn on the island of Curacao. Jones claimed to be a former member of American Special Forces, and he offered to help set Amy free.

He also claimed he had an eyewitness to Amy's location, a female cook who accurately described Amy's tattoos, and even a lullaby she heard Amy sing (which she was taught by Mrs. Bradley). Supposedly Two other former Navy SEALs were sent to Curacao to specifically determine Amy's location. This is When Jones demanded more money to undergo the actual armed rescue, of Amy the Bradleys asked for concrete proof their daughter was actually under Jones's teams' surveillance. He responded with a photo of a similarly tattooed woman (who resembled Amy) and the Bradleys paid him the rest of the money. The total came to $210,000.

The Bradleys were instructed to fly to Florida to wait for a call from Jones as soon as Amy was recovered. The Bradleys did as they where told and They waited in a hotel for a week before they got a call from one of Jones's associates (who had also been duped) and determined the whole operation was a scam. The cook, the photos, the Colombians, and the house under surveillance were all a fraud. Jones, who had never been in the Special Forces, eventually plead guilty to mail fraud and got a five year sentence and an order to make restitution.

Then In 2005, a woman named Judy Maurer was in a Kingstown, Barbados women's restroom stall when she suddenly heard two men loudly enter the bathroom and begin screaming and threatening another woman in a different stall. Maurer waited for a few minutes and then exited the stall to find a very upset woman hunched over the sink area.

The woman allegedly told Judy Maurer her name was Amy, and that she was from Virginia. Seconds later the two men re-entered the bathroom and forcibly removed "Amy from Virginia." Judy Maurer provided the FBI with descriptions of the two men and the woman. "Amy from Virginia" strongly resembled the two online, racy photos sent to the Bradleys and featured on Dr. Phil.

In late 2010, probably as a result of  Hurricane Tomas, a human jaw bone washed up on a beach in Aruba. It was tested to see if it was the Jaw bone of a woman named Natalee Holloway ,another woman who had disappeared around the same time and in the same area.

Once local authorities determined the jawbone was not connected to the Holloway case, they ceased any further testing, despite the fact that Amy Lynn Bradley and up to as many as nine other Caribbean vacationers were said to have disappeared in the 15 years prior to the Holloway case. Because dental records were able to rule out any connection to Natalee Holloway, no DNA testing was ever done on the material. However, the tests performed did determine that the jawbone came from a younger, Caucasian female.'

A $250,000 reward is currently offered on the Bradley family website. The FBI is also offering a $25,000 reward for information leading to her recovery, or information about the individuals responsible for her disappearance.

 Amy Bradley is a Caucasian female. Brown hair, green eyes. Bradley may dye her hair blonde. Her ears are pierced multiple times and her navel is pierced. She has the following tattoos: a baby Tasmanian devil on the back of her left shoulder, a green and blue gecko lizard around her navel, a Japanese symbol on her right ankle and a primitive Japanese sun tattooed on her lower back. Bradley is a cigarette smoker.

If you think you have any information on Amy Bradley I will put the info to the authorities you can contact below

Federal Bureau of Investigation



Puerto Rican Office


So what do you think about this Peculiar Occurrences What happened to Amy? I personally think the waters and the musician known as Yellow are pretty obvious choices. Yellow was cleared but the waiters wanted to taker her to the same club Natalie Hollawell had disappeared from. I also think due to the search efforts of the ships crew that a lot more crew members could be involved. I mean getting a job on a cruse ship would not be a bad cover for that sort of slavery. But I don't know and I want to know what you think down below.
