Great Pyramid Nano Teach Conspiracy Theory Proof? / Peculiar Occurrences

New discovery at the pyramids

Experts continue to unravel more and more mysteries of the 4,000 year old Great pyramid in Giza and the latest one could help boost renewable energy in the current day.

That's right something that has long lived in conspiracy alone is now finding tangible scientific proof!!!!

Welcome To Peculiar Occurrences I am your host Lilith Nova


For generations there has been questions surrounding the great pyramids

How did ancient Egyptians build this an for what purpose

They have mostly been thought to be the tombs of Pharaohs but perhaps they once had a greater purpose

Scientists from Russia have discovered that Ancient Egypt’s biggest pyramid can focus electric and magnetic energy into its chambers to spark higher levels of energy.

Researchers state if the same effect can occur on a smaller scale, then it could lead to new and more efficient sensors and solar cells.

the shape is ideal for focusing certain electromagnetic waves. This approach will likely not give any insight into the Egyptian tomb, but it might lead to the creation of better nano-tech.

The study, Which was  published in the Journal of Applied Physics, looked at how the shape of the pyramid would interact with resonant radio waves. Resonance is an important physical phenomenon, where small wave oscillations end up driving a system to oscillate with greater amplitude. Given the pyramid's size and shape, the resonant radio waves are expected to be between 200 and 600 meters (650 to 1,970 feet) in length.

That's roughly the wavelength variation used for high-speed wireless communication (LTE),

Just think an ancient Wifi sorce Tho Scientist do not believe that ancient Egyptians knew about this capability an that they definitely where not sending messages into space. But who know they cant really say that for sure not in my opinion perhaps they where sending messages into the stars or perhaps to other pyramids on the other side of the world what if Egyptian pyramid's are Comcast while step pyramids of the Mayans are AT&T hey we never know

Any how They figured all this out by building models of the pyramids an running tests electromagnetic waves an they figured out how to both center the waves into the center of the pyramid as well as well as make the particle in the pyramid scatter an then focus the wave below the pyramid.

“Due to the lack of information about the physical properties of the pyramid, they had to use some assumptions. For example, they assumed that there are no unknown cavities or tunnels inside, the pyramid. Tho keep in mid there are a lot of people that believe there are path ways that run under the pyramids an the sphinx.

This is still an amazing discovery The team plans to exploit these properties of pyramid-shaped objects in nano-structures like. They hope to use this focusing ability of the pyramid shape in sensors and solar cells, using materials better suited for these functions than the limestone used to build the Great Pyramid of Giza. of course

So what do you think about this peculiar occurrences what is your theory on the great pyramids has this altered what you think at all an do you like the idea of using this in nano tech let me know in the comments below
