Time Travel Rudolph Fentz Story Fake? / Peculiar Occurrences

Time Traveler Rudolph Fentz

Do time travelers exist?

Have we been visited by people from the future or perhaps even the past?

Lets go over a story of one Time travelers from the past who's story is claimed to prove time travel all together then look at some facts.

Welcome to peculiar occurrences I am your host Lilith Nova


In June of 1951, on Wall Street in New York City, a young man Dressed in the cloths of a business man, from the 1800's. appeared out of no where an frozen from what he was seeing was hit by a taxi cab laid  an accident which would lead to the discovery, of several pieces of evidence, which some now claim to be proof, of the existence of time travel.

The young man had a full beard, and the kind of mutton-chop sideburns, that had gone out of style Long ago.  He was taken by ambulance to a Downtown Hospital in Manhattan.  This man passed away peacefully, before he ever regained consciousness.  Then it became the official duty of the NYPD, to identify him... a case assigned to Captain Hubert Rihm, of Missing Persons. There was a label inside his silk tophat, from a hat store that  went out of business, at about the turn of the century then another name of a tailor, in the neck of the victim's suit coat, a tailor on Broadway, of which no one had ever heard of and the following items, which were found in his pockets.

Business cards which revealed the man's name to be Rudolph Fentz, as well as his Fifth Avenue address  a letter, postmarked from New Jersey, and bearing the cancelled postage of a two cent stamp.  A copper token good for one beer, marked also with a value of 5 cents.  It bore the name of a saloon which was unknown, even to older residents of the area.  A well worn bronze medal, for coming in third place in a shooting contest. A receipt for the washing of a carriage, and for the feeding and grooming of one horse. issued by a livery stable, on Lexington Avenue in New York, at an address where now stood, a high rise office building.  A few  indian head pennies, and seven dollars in paper currency, of which the newest banknote was dated 1875. 

None of these objects showed any signs of aging. 

Fentz's fingerprints were not on record, and no one had reported him missing.  Captain Rihm conducted research, into the location on the business card.  It was the address of the Buckingham Hotel, which no longer existed.  In 1923 the hotel was razed, to make way for Saks Fifth Avenue. 

Rudolph Fentz's name was not listed in the 1951 telephone book, but further investigation revealed a listing for a Howard Fentz, in a much earlier phone book from 1939.  The police captain spoke to the residents of Howard's apartment building, who remembered him, and described him as an old man, with silver hair.  He once worked as a short order cook, at a diner down the street.  However in 1940 he retired, and moved away.  Rihm was told at the diner,that Howard had passed, five years earlier, but his widow was living in Florida, with her sister.  Rihm contacted her by phone.

She said that her husband's father, Rudolph Fentz, had disappeared in 1876 at the age of 29.  He would take a walk in the evening, smoking a cigar, sonot to leave the smell in the house.  One evening, when his son Howard was around two years of age, he left his family's New York City apartment, with a lit cigar, and he never came back.  They searched for him in vain, spending a great deal of money, on a private investigator.  No trace of him was ever found.

With renewed interest, Captain Rihm delved into very old missing persons files from the 1800's,  He finally located the yellowing pages of a report, on the disappearance of Rudolph Fentz. 

The description in the records of Rudolph Fentz, corresponded exactly, with that of the bewildered man who was struck on Wall Street.. but after filing his own report, Rihm was compelled by his superiors to close the case as unsolved.  The officer barely survived review by internal affairs, as to his mental competence, and most of the captain's notes, were stricken from the official case file.

This is where the story of Rudolph Fentz ends a very peculiar story indeed an one I have seen presented over an over again as real yet had never looked to deeply into.  I was very excited to delve deep into this one an see where the origins for this story lays hoping it would lead me to some sort of  peculiar mystery.

upon googling the name I found out that Rudolph Fentz (also spelled as Rudolf Fenz) is the focal character of "I'm Scared", a 1952 science fiction short story by Jack Finney, which was later reported as an urban legend as if the events had truly happened. This story got grabbed up by the conspiracy community and presented as real to the public in many many many publications an used as proof Time travelers exists.

Ether way we will still look for proof that time travelers exist

So what do you think about this supposed peculiar occurrences?

Do you believe this really could be real maybe something the author Jack Finney seen an presented as fake to not sound crazy or perhaps this story is a fake. Do you think time travelers are real? Let me know down below an while your down there don't for get to check my description box for your peculare occurrence gear.
