Emilie Sagee Spirit Twins Spirit Doppelganger / Peculiar Occurrences

Emilie Sagee  Spirit Twins

Spiritual doppelgangers

What is a spiritual doppelganger you may be asking

Well it is a exact look a like of a living person but in a spirit form some would call it a astral projection spirit body other call it a spirit twin. Some even believe that the appearance of one could mean bad luck for the person receiving the haunting.

To day I want to talk about one such case the case of Emilie Sagee and if having a spirit twin wasn't Peculiar enough in the case of Emilie Sagee it gets even more peculiar because through out her life Emile could not see her own Spiritual doppelganger yet dozens witnessed it around her through out her life. . .

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Good then lets get into it

Welcome to peculiar occurrences I am your host lilith nova.


Not much is known about Emilie Sagée’s early life. She was born in France, during the 19th century and even from a young age, her dream was to become a teacher. She was an easy going, but withdrawn child, rarely playing with the other local children. They assumed this was because she had a twin sister and they were often seen together. Twins were common, but what was strange to the other children was that Emilie and her sister seemed completely unaware of each other but would eerily mimic each others actions.

Emilie’s parents were very much aware of the strange phenomena that was occurring with their youngest daughter, however in those days people were extremely superstitious and any connection to the paranormal could potentially ruin the families lucrative bakery business. So they went on as normal and let people think they where twins.

Emilie’s parents kept her at home and paid for a tutor from another town to teach her studies. Her siblings were used to seeing the two Emilie’s around the house. Her double could be seen going through the motions of doing house work, while the “living” Emilie would be lying down in an almost sleep state, like a deep daze. When she was asked what she was thinking about at the time, Emilie couldn’t remember.

32 year old Emelie Sagee worked in an privet girls’ school. She was a very good teacher, but for some reason she kept moving from one job to another. In 16 years, she had changed positions  19 times. In 1845, the school found out why. Sagee was allegedly the center of some very strange doppelganger activity. Her spectral twin was first seen during a class, as 13 students witnessed the doppelganger standing by Sagee’s side and mirroring her movements as she drew on a chalk board all the the spirit twin had no calk in hand.

Next, it stood behind her as she ate, again mirroring her movements. with no utensils in hand This is when other teachers started to take notice. Sagee herself was completely oblivious to the apparition, despite the fact that everyone else could see it clearly. However, she did become strangely groggy and powerless during the times the doppelganger manifested, and the wraith was often seen doing things Sagee later said she had been thinking about at the moment,  suggesting that she may have had some subliminal control over it. It was oh most as if she was astral projecting her spirit out of her body while awake. Her spirit leaving and doing things she was thinking about doing in her mind.

Soon, the spirit twin ventured beyond Sagee’s immediate vicinity. Appearing around the school, often some distance away from Emilie, as if it was completely independent of her. Just as when she was a child,

On another occasion, during a classes in front of the 40 students attending the lesson, Emilie walked into a class room and sat in the teachers chair. The class couldn’t believe their eyes as Emilie could be clearly seen working in the school garden through a window. The students observed that Emilie’s double sat completely motionless in the chair while the “real” Emilie walked around the garden in a strange and lethargic manner. This time, students, approached the apparition  in the chair.

The few people who dared to approach the spirit twin found they could pass through it, yet it had a texture that reminded them of thick fabric. Time went by and the apparition became a permanent fixture of the school’s life, scaring people out on a regular basis. In a time of superstition tho Emilie had never seen her doppelgänger herself, The girls’ concerned parents started removing their children from the school.

Although Sagee was a model employee on all non-paranormal accounts,the headmistress had no option but to fire her and her ghostly double 

Once again she packed her things and moved on. There are no more records of Emilie Sagée or her death after this point tho some have suggested she may have changed her name.

This story comes from American writer Robert Dale Owen who was told the story by Julie von Güldenstubbe, a student at he exclusive girl’s school near Wolmar in what is now Latvia.

So what do you think of this Peculiar Occurrences.

Do you think Emilie Sagee actually existed? What do you think the Doppelganger was? A astro form of her self? Perhaps the soul of a Identical twin that died in the woohm? Why didn't emiele her self ever see her own astro twin? Let me know what you think down below and while your down there. . .

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