What happened to the U 28 and to the UB 85 / Peculiar Occurrences

What happened to the U-28 and to the UB-85 Why do they have some what similar Peculiar Stories? Could the possibility of creatures we don't know exists be laying in our oceans.  Or are these creatures used as excuses by sea captions when things went horribly horribly wrong?

Welcome to peculiar occurrences I am your host Lilith Nova


The U-28 Creature is not the name of an individual monster, but rather the name given to a single sighting of a yet to be identified beast. This chance encounter with an animal that would later be referred to as the U-28 Creature took place in the early portion of World War I after a military engagement between the U Boat 28 and a British steamer . The Captain of the U Boat, Commander Freiherr George G. von Forstner, described the encounter in the following passage taken from his log books:

"On July 30, 1915, our U-28 torpedoed the British steamer Iberian, which was carrying a rich cargo across the North Atlantic. The steamer sank so swiftly that its bow stuck up almost vertically into the air. Moments later the hull of the Iberian disappeared. The wreckage remained beneath the water for approximately twenty-five seconds, at a depth that was clearly impossible to assess, when suddenly there was a violent explosion, which shot pieces of debris - among them a gigantic aquatic animal - out of the water to a height of approximately 80-feet."

The catin was noted saying

"At that moment I had with me in the conning tower six of my officers of the watch, including the chief engineer, the navigator, and the helmsman. Simultaneously we all drew one another's attention to this wonder of the seas, which was struggling among the debris. We were unable to identify the creature, but all of us agreed that it resembled an aquatic crocodile, which was about 60-feet long, with four limbs resembling large webbed feet, a long, pointed tail and a head which also tapered to a point. Unfortunately we were not able to take a photograph, for the animal sank out of sight after ten or fifteen seconds."

"End quote"

One important thing to note is the manner in which the captain recorded the encounter. In general submarine captains are not known to be prone to exaggeration, Also there would be absolutely no reason to make it up, Knowing this could damage his reputation as a sea caption since most  people who report strange encounters are generally looked upon as crazy and met with only ridicule.

Some investigators have theorized that this encounter could indicate a surviving specimen of pliosaurs or mosasaurs , both of which are thought to have resembled gigantic crocodiles. The fossil record of these creatures also seems to indicate that their spines were very flexible, which could account for the more serpentine like movement of the U-28 Creature and other so called Sea Serpents sometimes spotted in this area of the world.

There are also a handful of researchers who have suggested that this creature may have been being transported by the steamer, only to be released into the ocean when the ship exploded. This small number of investigators have stated that any creature swimming in the ocean would more than likely keep its distance from a naval battle and the subsequent sinking of a ship due to gun fire, and for the U-28 creature to have been blown out of the water upon the Iberian’s explosion the creature would have had to be swimming almost directly over the sinking ship, just seconds after it was sunk by torpedo fire. Though it is unclear why a British steamer would be transporting a 60 foot aquatic creature across the Atlantic.

There are also studies coming out about crocodiles that do swim across the ocean tho these are mostly in the 30 foot range in size nor 60 as was reported. Could the crew have been exaggerating the size of the creature?

On September 2, 1915 the U-28 was damage beyond repair in the North Cape after being hit by debris from the munitions ship, the Olive Branch, which exploded after an engagement with the U-28.

It is safe to say that at this point in time the mystery of the U-28 Creature may never be solved, with all eye witnesses of the encounter having passed away and the Iberian resting at the bottom of the North Atlantic.

Tho there have been similar supposed Peculiar Occurrences

On April 30, 1918, the UB-85. a German submarine, a feared U-boat.  For the previous two weeks, , UB-85 had been patrolling the Irish Sea, looking to unleash its ten torpedoes on merchant ships bringing vital supplies to Britain from the US and Brazil.

Much to the frustration of commander Krech, UB-85 had not had much luck.

Although U-boats had sunk nearly 280,000 tons of Allied shipping that month, not one had been dispatched by Krech.

Accompanied by a few of his officers, commander Krench stood in the conning tower, scanning the waters through his binoculars by the light of the full moon  looking for someone to attack.

When all of a sudden UB-85 was rocked by a huge surge of water on the starboard side, followed by a large thud as something landed on the deck. Krech looked down, and to his bewilderment and horror saw a huge sea monster emerging from the water and climbing on to the side of the submarine.

This beast had large eyes, set in a horny sort of skull,’ Krech is reported to have said. ‘It had a small head, but with teeth that could be seen glistening in the moonlight. Every man on watch began firing a sidearm at the beast, but the animal had hold of the forward gun mount and refused to let go.’

The weight of the monster was so much that it was forcing the 730-ton submarine down into the water and, with the hatch still open, there was a very real risk that the U-boat would sink. Krech therefore ordered his crew to keep firing.

Eventually, with its mighty body stung by one too many bullets, the monster let go of the now-mangled gun mount and slipped back into the depths. The creature was gone but had severely damaged the forward deck, leaving the U-boat incapable of diving.

As morning broke, UB-85 became a sitting duck for the many ships of the Royal Navy patrolling the channel.  One of the ships did eventually spot them, and cautiously approached the damaged submarine as it bobbed up and down helplessly in the water. To the surprise of the British ship’s crew, the Germans were standing on the deck with their hands up, and were willing to surrender without a fight.

It was only when the trembling seamen were on board, and Krech told his tale, that it became apparent quite why the Germans seemed so grateful to be taken prisoner.

The Navi Sunk the UB-85 submarine

This story was said to be given by kapten Krench during interrogation tho experts believe that it the submarine took on water and was forced to surface and sat a top the water until they were captured by the british.

Engineers working on an electricity cable, the Western HVDC Link, discovered the almost intact wreck of a UB-III class submarine, believed to be either UB-85 or UB-82, lying off the Galloway coast in October 2016.[9] Dr Innes McCartney who identified the wreck said: "We are certainly closer to solving the so-called mystery of UB-85 and the reason behind its sinking - whether common mechanical failure or something that is less easily explained.

So perhaps we may have some clues to this one soon.

Also something else to note is where the UB-85 happened is near the home of the legendary loch ness monster. and thee has been a lot of sea monster sightings in this area.

So what do you think about this peculiar occurrence? Do you believe that there could be some sort of see serpent or crocodile wondering around the oceans or perhaps a Prehistoric animal that has survived all this time? Let me know in the comments below
